Milling machinery gives us the ability to adapt and modify to our high standard of workmanship.

VSR Balancing (Vibrating Sorting rig) This is the most Advanced style of balancing Known to the Turbocharger industry, Lodge Auto Centre VSR all in house Assembled Units.

Top of the line Miller plasma cutter and tig welder, for all your smaller fabricating needs, from mild steel to alloy and stainless steel.

Machining of bearing bodies, turbine shafts and seal plates done to exacting tolerances.

Due to an increase in the prices of plastic, second-hand, and billet alloy parts, we have shifted our focus to designing and 3D printing full replacement parts and kits in-house. This enables us to reduce costs, ensuring that you receive the best possible prices.

Compressor covers and compressor wheel matching are not an issue with our in house lathes.